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The BoomBox Collective


The Boombox Collective seeds opportunities for creative exploration and unique social interaction. These opportunities link citizens, activists, artists, thinkers, students, and creators together in order to find, befriend, engage those in the community that both share and encourage similar interests and passions.


Our program intends to bring our community together to celebrate who we are and what we love.


HTMCV Community Garden

Supporting the dream of Kyle Linnik and Edrick Macalaguim, I worked alongside students to grow the HTMCV garden into a fully functional and sustainable farm, specifically designing and building auxiliary equipment in the process. From a brick oven to a chick coop to a community greenhouse, their class is working hard to make the garden more than just dirt in the ground.


Next year, with all the construction now complete, the team intends to use the space to encourage healthy living and help supplement the school’s lunch program. 


HTHCV Axé Radio

At the beginning of the year, I started a student-run community radio staton Fridays after school. By the new year, it evolved into an elective course and a powerful collection of voices. They called themselves Axe' Radio.  Their mission- "to infuse our unique perspectives into the community through the power of radio."


Click on the link to the left to check out the students' website for all of shows and latest recordings. Axe'! 




Throughout the year, I worked to create, support, and manage a collection of community programming both in and out of my school. Below is a list of those community projects, a short description of their goals, and a link to their webpages that can provide more information.

Community Projects

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